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January 05, 2003 - 2:55 p.m.

Catch Me If You Can

Yesterday afternoon, I decided I wanted to see a movie. I had a little trouble deciding what to see. I really want to see The Hours, but it's not out here yet. Boo. So, I narrowed the choices down to 3: Antwone Fisher (not sure whether that's spelled right...), Two Weeks Notice, and Catch Me If You Can. Chicago almost made it onto the list, but I really dislike Richard Gere. Two Weeks almost didn't make the list for a similar reason, I really like Sandra Bullock but am not a big fan of Hugh Grant, but a friend said it was light and funny. However, I ruled it out for the romance factor. With my own romantic life in a shambles, watching a cute romantic comedy is probably not such a good idea. :) I thought Antwone Fisher might be a little too serious, so I somewhat reluctantly settled on Catch Me If You Can. Reluctantly because I have almost no respect for Leonardo DiCaprio. He's gotten too far on his pretty boy face, I think, even though he CAN be a good actor. Luckily, in this case, he did a very good job. I actually really enjoyed the movie. Pretty boy did a good job, and was a good pick for a 17 year-old trying to passs himself off as a pilot/doctor/lawyer. Tom Hanks also did well in a somewhat subsidiary role - not a lot of character development. His character has a strong Boston or Maine accent that was distracting. There was no reason it needed to be there, unless they wanted to make him seem more working class or something, so it irritated me. It was superfluous, and I fear it may have just been a case of Hanks trying to show off.

Apart from the acting, the movie was also really good. I loved the story; it was fascinating and entertaining. The movie was paced well, and I really liked the retro feel - even the intro was pretty 60s but done in a modern way. So, if you want a good way to spend an evening or an afternoon, I recommend it.

today's project: curling up with my book

musing about: whether or not I want to hang wall shelves

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