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January 03, 2003 - 11:06 a.m.


The predicted storm has begun, and if it keeps snowing as hard through the night as it is now, we really should get quite an accumulation. If it rains "cats and dogs", what does it snow?

It's really kind of pretty and quiet and cozy, but I am not looking forward to going to pick H up at school, since the visibility isn't great. It's only a little over a mile away, though, so I am sure we'll be fine. Then we have the whole afternoon to drink cocoa, read books, and convince the kids to take a bath.

Even though it is only my second day back at work, it seems strange to be working on a Friday. All the free time over the holidays really spoiled me!

I did better at the gym today. I did 18 minutes on the stairmaster and 12 on the bike. I sitll had to keep the intensity pretty low, but any progress is good at this point! I would make a vow to go again tomorrow, but considering the snowstorm, I think expecting myself to dig my car out to go to the gym is asking too much. :)

today's project: constructing with styrofoam peanuts and toothpicks.

musing about: how much snow we're going to end up with

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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