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January 02, 2003 - 2:28 p.m.

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

Good things about today:

- started off well with one 2003 resolution: went to the gym, even though the kids' schools had an hour delay which shortened my morning free time and I also had to do the grocry shopping.

- kids were all in good moods and pretty eager to get back to school. The time off did wonders for my attitude! The kids seem more cute and endearing than demanding and annoying again! :)

- got to play with the kids' new toys from Christmas, including Star Wars figurines and such. Really brought back memories of playing Star Wars with my brothers when I was a kid. I remember I used to refuse to let them play with Princess Leia unless they let me play. :)

- spoke to my best friend from high school, Bafley, last night. We're both going through some pretty awkward stuff right now (hers is far worse than mine), and it was good to catch up with her and vent and be vented to.

- so far (knock on wood) it's a good potty-training day for B. Who would have thought it could take more than 8 months (and counting) to teach a kid to use the toilet!

Bad things:

- only worked out for about 22 minutes on the bike at the gym. Pathetic. I haven't gained more than a pound or two, but I am SO out of shape! And my muscles are already sore...

- playing the kids' new Zooboomafoo board game with them turned out to be not so much fun. I hate having to be the Rules Police, but B is still young enough it's hard for him to wait his turn, and the girls just get wacky and distracted if left to their own devices. Probably wasn't the best thing to try after school on the first day after vacation. :)

- Waking up at 6:15 was hard, even though I went to bed at about 9:30! Guess I still need to recover from the New Year's Eve debauchery.

- struggling with how much to keep in touch with the BIA. I want to know what's up with him and have him as at least a peripheral element in my life... well, I WANT much more than that but in reality... I'm finding that the aftermath of interacting with him is the hardest part. Saying goodbye, even over the phone, is hard, and I always end up feeling sad after we've talked whether or not the conversation went well.

The Ugly:

- it's just nasty outside! Last night's rain turned to snow, so they had to sand and salt the roads again. It's so sad to see the lovely, sparkly, pure white snow get clumpy, grey, and muddy. However, a big storm is predicted for tomorrow night, and it is supposed to dump 5-10 inches of snow. As long as I don't need to drive in it, new snow makes me happy! Of course, I am sure I will have changed my tune by the end of February! Boston winters aren't that severe, but they are LONG!

today's project: breaking in all those Christmas toys

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