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January 01, 2003 - 6:09 p.m.


It's a crappy day. It's raining, so all the lovely snow from last week is getting muddy and washing away.

The New Year's Eve party was actually a lot of fun. I achieved both my goals of getting drunk and having fun with the people at the party other than the BIA. We played Cranium (my team won - yay!) and went sledding in the middle of the night, which was really fun. I stayed the night at Jess' like most of the guests, since driving home was out of the question. This morning was much more awkward than last night. There wasn't as much going on, so it was harder to not pay attention to Sam. As the morning wore on I found myself less and less satisfied with the emotional distance between us and finally decided to leave. Ugh, everyone else seems to see that we are just about as perfect for each other as two people can be, why the heck can't he figure it out?

Anyway, given my tendency to wallow in self-pity, I decided tonight would be a good night for Chinese takeout and watching one of my new DVDs (I bought Lilo and Stitch and the complete first season of Mad About You yesterday). Then a good night's sleep before getting back into the daily routine with the kids. At least Sam is on his way back to DC so I may be able to get him out of my mind a little more easily soon.

today's project: dumplings and a DVD :)

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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