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December 07, 2002 - 10:40 p.m.

Patience is a virtue

Turns out the BIA was trying to call while I was online. We ended up talking for a long time. Unsurprisingly, nothing is resolved, but I think it was a good talk. It allayed a lot of my fears, and cemented my inclination to wait things out for the time being. It won't be easy, but letting go isn't an appealing option. And he's worth waiting for, at least for a while. One change is that we'll be keeping in touch again, which should make things somewhat easier.

Tomorrow I am having brunch with my big brother and then we're going to watch Fellowship of the Ring (with extra scenes) with some of his friends. Some of my friends and I now have tickets to see The Two Towers on the 18th. I can't wait! Though I am a little worried that the ents may not live up to my expectations - they are some of my favorite characters in the trilogy. Then again, I was blown away by how well done the first movie was, so maybe I should have more faith. :) We'll see.

I forgot to mention in yesterday's entry that I had lunch at California Pizza Kitchen. I am rapidly becoming addicted to that place! I had foccacia and their field greens salad, which has pears and candied pecans. It makes a perfect lunch! And it's not fattening or expensive (especially since the half portion of the salad is still significantly bigger than most restaraunts' side salads.) My lunch was further enhanced by a cute waiter. Nothing like a little eye candy with a meal. ;) He was just the right balance of attentive without hovering. Especially when I am eating alone, which usually means I am reading a book, I hate overly friendly servers. I guess they figure if I am enough of a loser to be eating out all by myself, I must be desperate for conversation. In actuality, if I wanted to chitchat, I wouldn't have my nose buried in a book! At the same time, without benefit of company and good conversation, I tend to not be particularly patient, so I get equally irritated if the service is too lax. Boy am I picky!

today's project: sweet dreams

musing about: the future

Twitter away!

bafleyanne - 2002-12-07 23:01:48
Glad to hear you guys talked. That's something anyway, even if you didn't actually resolve anything. :)

flutter back - fly ahead

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