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December 09, 2002 - 10:13 a.m.

Decking the halls

In order to rid myself of guilt from not going to the gym today, I am immersing myself in all sorts of other to do list items. I need to put away my laundry, get some supplies for dinner party invites, and clean my room in preparation for the arrival of the Christmas tree.

I decided that I would get a tree this year, since I have a little bit of space just about the size of a 3-4 foot evergreen as well as a whole box of ornaments that really ought to be displayed. A couple of years ago, my Mom sorted through all the family's ornaments and picked out the ones that belonged to each of us kids - both ones that were given to us over the years and ones we had made in school and things like that. I think she kept a few of the ones we made for herself, but the rest she packed up and shipped off to each of us. I really felt like I had left the nest when I got that package! Last year Mom sent me the antique wax angel Gabriel that used to top one of the family's Christmas trees. I've always loved that angel, and since my parents live in a small house now, they don't have room for more than one tree, so I get to have Gabriel now. :)

My mother is a Christmas fanatic! She collects Santas, and the living/dining room area is just filled with them during the holidays. Every available surface has a Santa on it. And the tree is now reserved for just Santa ornaments. Believe it or not, she has so many that you can barely see the green of the tree in between them. But she doesn't stop there. Oh no! There are Christmas towels and plates and potholders in the kitchen, holiday candles and soaps in the bathroom, and probably even things in the bedroom. It all looks pretty cool, though. I clearly got my tendency to accumulate stuff from my mother!

Last night I helped the kids and their parents decorate _their_ tree. It was fun to participate in a little of their holiday tradition. It was pretty cozy with a fire in the fireplace, carols playing, and the kids having a blast hanging ornaments and garland. Only a couple of ornaments got dropped and broken. :)

I can't wait to have that nice evergreen smell in my room and hang my own ornaments. I am not looking forward to putting the lights on the tree, though. My perfectionist nature makes that a frustrating task, since I always end up spending forever trying to arrange the lights to they are beautifully and perfectly evenly spaced. I'll try to restrain myself!

today's project: baths and perhaps marshmallow snowflakes.

musing about: when I am going to find time to write all those Christmas cards.

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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