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November 30, 2002 - 2:15 p.m.

I feel old! I have done absolutely nothing remotely strenuous or stressful for several days, but I have been getting tired so easily! Today for instance, presumably just because Baf and I stayed up until 1AM and the baby boy woke us at 6:30, I just couldn't keep my eyes open! There we are watching The Wiggles and it was triggering some powerful sleep hormone in my brain. Ugh! So I was supremely rude, and just curled up on my corner of the couch and took a short nap while Baf's friend was over. Baf and I have been friends for long enough that I am pretty sure she didn't care, but her friend probably thought I was a total loser!

I have always been one of those people who needs plenty of sleep, though. Even in college, I could only stay up late to get work done if I was actively typing or writing. The moment I paused to think, or read over a reference or something (or God forbid let the spell-check run!) I would drift off, and the next thing I knew sunlight would be streaming through my windows and soon expletives were streaming from my mouth as I tried to figure out how on Earth I was going to finish the 12 page paper (of which only 3 were written) in the 45 minutes remaining before class. Rather than giving up procrastination, however, I merely perfected the art of setting my alarm for an ungodly early hour of the morning, and then snoozing it as many times as necessary to allow only slightly longer to finish my work than if I had just fallen asleep doing it in the first place - only without the tell-tale droolmarks on the papers from sleeping atop them. And I am sure my next door neighbirs just loved me for putting them through the early morning opera of alarm buzzing every nine minutes, followed by groans, and the thump of my hand hitting the snooze button. Ah those were the days.... :)

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