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April 06, 2005 - 7:11 p.m.

Winter's On the Wing

The snow is gone. The grass is green. The sun has been warm. I ate lunch outside yesterday. There are crocuses blooming in my garden.

Classes are still boring, but not mind-numbingly so. They'll be over in less than six weeks. And I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if I end up with an A in both courses - I already have a perfect average in one.

It's baseball season again! Things didn't start well for the Red Sox, but today they showed some signs of the greatness of which I know they are capable. And I have tickets to next Friday's game! Unfortunately, Terry Francona, their manager, may have had a heart attack today.

A full month before the due dates, I am already on top of the latest round of Child Life internship applications. I have around 10 programs to which I could apply - I will probably pick 6-8. I am still anxious about my chances, but not putting all my eggs in one basket this time makes me happy.

So, things are going pretty well, and the stress is ebbing out of life a bit.

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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