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February 06, 2005 - 1:23 p.m.

Frittering Away

I've been spending the weekend doing just about anything but what I should be doing, which is my homework. I guess I am back to my old study habits, or lack thereof. Actually, that's not really true, since the work doesn't need to be done until Tuesday, and it is now only Sunday. The syllabi for my courses make getting my work done pretty easy. The readings are assigned on a weekly basis, so I can get them all done on the weekend (in theory, anyway) and not have to worry about getting work done during the week, when I have my job and volunteering taking up a lot of my time.

Still, I am doing just about everything in my power to avoid getting the work done this weekend. I had planned to start yesterday, but spent the afternoon shopping and the evening lounging. I did find several excellent bargains on my shopping excursion, though. I got two pairs of pants, two pairs of shoes (my first slightly pointy toed pairs), a video game (used), and a stylish tote bag that can double as a laptop case, all for just over a hundred dollars. And since I actually needed the pants and one of the pairs of shoes, I am not even feeling any buyer's remorse. :)

Today, I have been puttering around, watching TV, and cleaning Percy's cage and giving him a bath. At least I have accomplished something. Now, however, I have quacamole to make, so I have something to munch on tonight as I have one eye on the Super Bowl and the other theoretically on the aforementioned homework. We shall see.

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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