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January 24, 2005 - 9:02 a.m.


All told, we got around two feel of snow here at my house. Several places around Boston got a lot more, particularly the coastal areas. This is the most snow I have ever seen, at least that I remember. My parents might be able to tell me about worse storms from my childhood before we moved down south. There was actually a worse blizzard in February 2003, but I, happily, missed that one, because I was on a Caribbean cruise with my mom. :)

Schools are closed today, and many are also closed tomorrow, but so far not my town. This generally means more work for me, since the kids are home all day. I am still free for now, though, since the family isn't back from the lake house yet. I expect them soon, and then we get to begin the digging out process. I don't know how to operate our snowblower, and our driveway and walkway are far too long for me to clear on my own with a shovel. I did go out this morning to look around a bit and see what it's like to wade through that much snow. It was pretty and kind of fun, but I wouldn't want to do it for very long. Plus, temperatures are in the single digits with wind chills below zero. It's only January, and it has already been a pretty fierce winter. It's nothing compared to the conditions my grandmother commonly endures in northern Wisconsin, but it still kind of makes me want to move to Hawaii.

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