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January 05, 2005 - 11:50 a.m.

Darned Unpredictable Weather

This morning, as I usually do while getting dressed, I watched the weather report on the news. Our meteorologist talked about some upcoming snow that was due to arrive after midnight and turn to ice sometime tomorrow. No mention of inclement weather during the day today. All the snow from last week melted, so I sent the kids off to school with sneakers on and without snow pants.

Imagine my surprise when driving the kids to school it began to snow. Must be a random flurry, thought I. Then in the ten minutes it took to shuttle the kids, the snow began to accumulate. The weather guy on the radio spoke of some "light snow passing through" the area, so I assumed the precipitation would soon stop.

It's almost noon now, and it is still snowing... I'd say there's about an inch on the ground already. Aside from the weather messing with our sattelite TV signal, this would not bother me much, except that I sent the children off unprepared! I TOLD them not to bother with their boots!

Sometimes, I take my job a little too seriously. :)

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