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September 13, 2004 - 11:37 a.m.

Party Girl

I had a kind of crazy weekend. Saturday was full of parties. First, in the afternoon, was a bridal shower for my friend Stacy. It was a lovely shower, and I had a very nice time. The women who put it together did a great job with everything from decorations to games. I put my Boggle playing skills to good use and won a prize by coming up with the most words using the letters of the bride and groom's names. We also split up into two teams to dress someone as a bride using toilet paper, bubble wrap, paper plates, tape, foil, and ribbon. I've played that game once before, and I highly recommend it to anyone planning a wedding shower. It is a lot of fun.

Later in the evening many of the shower guests reconvened for the bachelorette party. That is when the real craziness began. We drank champagne and daquiris before the limo even arrived. Stacy had no clue about the plans and was totally shocked to see the limo. She had never ridden in one before (nor had I), so she was very excited. We drove along the Charles River, singing loudly along to the awesome CD that the groom to be had made for us for the evening and waving and yelling to passing cars and pedestrians.

The rest of the evening was spent in a couple bars drinking. dancing, and flirting. Stacy was a sight to behold in her tank top that read "High Maintenance" and a cheap veil, and she was definitely the lead party girl. The rest of us kept up pretty well, though, and I think everyone had a fabulous time. At one club we all danced with a just married gay couple, which was cool. Thank heavens for the limo, since we were all pretty far gone by the end of the evening. I gave away my faux lei at some point in the evening and also managed to lose my watch (to my credit, it had a tendency to come unfastened). I didn't do anything I regret, though, so it was all good fun. I was totally wiped by the time we returned to the hostess' house, and I didn't even bother to change before curling up in a papassan chair and crashing, though I had enough sobriety in me to think about it - the sweats and t-shirt I had brought were in my car, so it just didn't seem worth it to go out and fetch them.

I was feeling a tiny bit hungover when I woke up at 8AM, drove home, and went back to sleep, but the full effect of all the carousing didn't hit until I got up again to go to rehearsal. A couple Tylenol took care of the headache, but it took a while before lunch seemed like a good idea. By then I was ready to deal with rehearsal, though my voice was rather hoarse, but I felt groggy much of the day. Today I am back to normal, and thinking that bachelorette parties get me into trouble. About a year ago at one I drank myself sick for the first time, and this time I experienced my first hangover! Still, I had a really good time, and I don't think the hangover was all that bad as such things go. I hope to never repeat that part, though. I go out so rarely that it always surprises me what a party girl I can be.

Today, I am spending my first work day with all three kids in school all day vegging and running errands. I'll also be practicing dances for Little Shop. Tomorrow I must get back to the gym, or at very least get on my bike or rollerblades. My sedentary summer is over.

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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