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September 10, 2004 - 8:02 p.m.

Search Engine Fun

In the past 24 hours, this diary has been visited by people who clicked through after searching for the following phrases on various search engines:

feces fetishes
worm capital wiscasset maine
sweating, heart beating fast
extra seat belt
my classmates are so cool they practically
pitter patter of little feet

Wow, quite the hodgepodge there. I've said it a bunch of times before, but I think it merits at least one more repetition: while some of the searches themselves are weird, what's really strange is that these people find something intriguing enough in the little blurb from my journal that appears on the search page that they actually click through. I mean, I am assuming that someone searching for "sweating, heart beating fast" is looking for medical information not the mundane details of my life. Now, what the individual who searched "pitter patter of little feet" was looking for, I have no idea.

Life continues apace here in nanny land. B and I continued to have a very good week together, and now summer is officially over for me job-wise. B goes back to school on Monday, so my actually working hours will decrease dramatically, since he's going full day this year. Of course, I am on call, essentially, in case the kids are sick, have a dentist appointment, etc, but most days I will be free from around 8:45-3. It would be fabulous to have so much free time if anyone else I knew were free at the same time on a regular basis. Since that is not the case, I will probably be adding some more volunteering hours, both at the hospital and possibly at the local animal shelter. I imagine I will fill the rest of the time with puttering around with various crafts, working out, and practicing steps and songs for Little Shop.

Speaking of the show, things are going pretty well. Dance rehearsals are going surprisingly well, though I definitely need to put in some practice time or the choreography will never be good enough to be seen by an actual audience. Our choreographer obviously has confidence in us, since these are not simple routines she has created. It's not Fosse, but it isn't crap either. My legs are distinctly sore from Wednesday's rehearsal. Being able to count a fun, two hour rehearsal as a workout is a nice bouns of being in the show.

I am also looking forward to really digging into the music on Sunday. The other urchins and I have the biggest challenge in that department, since we sing in more songs than anyone else, and we are responsible for at least 90% of the harmony in the show. My only worry is time, since we have plenty of talent. I can do some work at home, when I have the house to myself so I can sing at the piano upstairs without the kids hovering around, but most of the work is going to need to be done at rehearsals. I have a CD of the show, but I'm singing the low harmony, which is often difficult to pick out on the recording. I think it will all work out, though. And I continue to be extremely excited about the show.

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

Lone Star Rising - June 08, 2005
Quiet Time - June 02, 2005
Holy Interviews, Batman! - May 23, 2005
Addled Little Bird Brains - May 01, 2005
Just the lift I needed. - April 22, 2005