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September 03, 2004 - 5:49 p.m.

Out of My Hands

The application process for the child life internship at Johns Hopkins is now officially finished, and boy am I relieved! I only discovered on Saturday, a mere six days ago, that the materials are due on the 7th. Yikes! I freaked out a bit, but it all worked out. Actually, I will still have to have an interview for the program, but all the paperwork is in. Phew.

It was a nightmare getting it all together, I have to say. On top of the stress of only having a few days to send the application off and feeling like an idiot for misremembering the deadline, just about everything that could have gone wrong with putting the paperwork together did. I needed three letters of recommendation. I filled one slot with a letter written by my employers back in June to recommend me for volunteering at the hospital. For number 2, my supervisor at the hospital agreed to write a letter for me and give it to me when I came in for my regular volunteer shift today. Only he didn't have it ready, so I had to come back later and pick it up. I felt bad that I couldn't be flexible about it, since it was entirely my own fault I was in such a rush. The last recommendation I wanted was from my former boss at the preschool. I called and left a message for her at work on Monday and didn't hear back. Again, I started to panic, since I didn't know who else I could get to write a letter for me on such short notice if she didn't come through. I finally reached her at home on Tuesday night and picked up the letter this afternoon. On top of all that, I had weird problems printing the personal essay that was part of the application. Oy. I am so very, very glad that it's done and will arrive in Baltimore tomorrow afternoon, before the deadline.

With all the effort I put into the application this week, I have at least proven to myself how much I want this opportunity. I am happy with my essay, and since the folks who wrote my recommendations gave me copies to read, I know that they are very strong, too. The one from my supervisor at the hospital was so glowing that is almost made me cry. He said I would make an "exceptional" intern! I am not sure how I made such a great impression in less than 3 months, but I am glad I did. All of that makes me much more hopeful of being accepted into the program. I will be absolutely overjoyed if I do! I am supposed to hear by around October 22. Until then, I wait.

Though the crunch is over, a bit of the stress lingers, so I think my evening will include a bubble bath with a glass of wine and a good book. As of now, I have no further firm plans for the weekend, but I don't have the brainpower to come up with anything right now.

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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