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June 04, 2004 - 8:06 p.m.

G is for Grumpy

Not sure why, but I am in a crappy mood and have been for much of the day. Maybe beginning the day with B emphatically declaring, "I'm going to tell Mom and Dad to fire you!" got me in a funk. :) He was not at all happy that I would be watching him while his parents went to a parent teacher conference at school, even though we met up with them for M's play just over an hour later. The child is exceptionally greedy about his time with the 'rents. By the time we got to school for the play, he was back to being his charming, affectionate, Dr. Jekyll self. M's play, The Selfish Giant, was really cute, and she did a great job. It was no real surprise to us that M, who has some serious tomboy tendencies, was the only girl in the first grade who wanted to be a giant. :) H's play yesterday was also fun. Both the girls were clearly nervous when they performed, but managed to remember all their lines and say them both audibly and with feeling, which is more than can be said for many of the kids, so I was a proud nanny. :)

The play was fun. Eating lunch on a sunny restaurant patio with my nose in my book was fun. Watching Prisoner of Azkaban was fun. So why am I so cranky? Grrr. Maybe it's because I don't know what to do with my wide open weekend. I know what I should do: clean my room. But that doesn't really appeal - go figure. I've been invited up to the family's lake house for as much of the weekend as I want, but the weather isn't supposed to be very warm or sunny for the weekend. As much as I would like to see the place, I am not sure it's worth making the two hour drive each way to hang out with the kids in a different house and maybe take a chilly ride on the boat.

Instead I think I may do some cooking - it's been a while since I put my Cooking Light subscription to good use. May even tackle some of that cleaning that desperately needs to get done. I might even take advantage of the family being away and use the uber-spiffy jacuzzi tub in the master bath. All I know is that I need something to kick me out of this funk, and soon! Harumph.

today's project: dealing with my own miniature Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde.

Did you know? Helen Keller graduated from Radcliffe 100 years ago this month.

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