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May 26, 2004 - 7:18 p.m.

There Are Worse Things Than Leaving the Toilet Seat Up...

... Such as leaving it down.

I will never complain about a guy leaving the seat up again. I have discovered that I vastly prefer having to flip down the seat to sitting down for urinary tract relief only to discover, via those rather sensitive tush nerve endings, that the seat was subtly sprinkled with pee. Ewww. I am not sure whether it is laziness or just urgency resulting from putting off going to the bathroom for too long, but B has issues with putting the seat up before letting fly with the liquid waste. And just as he can't seem to remember to put the seat up, aim better, or at least wipe the seat when he's done, I can't seem to remember to check the seat for drips before I sit down. Ick.

This isn't the only issue we have had with B's bathroom visits lately. While the toilet training debacle has been over for a while, it seems there must always be some conflict brewing between me and B that involves the bathroom. His latest exploits have turned me into a regular Magnum P.I. of the WC. Typical preschooler disregard for rules and hygiene (especially behind closed doors) has melded with his recent penchant for deception, leaving me to lurk outside the loo door listening to hear whether he has flushed the toilet and turned on the water to wash his hands, as well as sniffing his palms for the often absent aroma of soap... I have given up on offering threats if he lies about washing his hands and such in favor of closely monitoring his bathroom visits and simply making him go back in and flush the toilet or wash his hands if he "forgot". Kids his age usually hate having to waste precious time having to return for such tasks that they could be spending conducting a crayon taste test or experimenting with cross dressing, so hopefully this tactic will work eventually.

Tomorrow I am headed to New Mexico, Los Alamos to be precise, to visit with my friend, Meg, who got married in January. The plan is to do an overnight hike Friday-Saturday, hang out and visit some Pueblo ruins on Sunday, and make sure to taste some fab guacamole somewhere along the line. I am really looking forward to seeing the mountains, communing with nature, and seeing the sun for a change. It's been cloudy and wet here since Friday, so the arid weather will be a welcome change. I am also looking forward to spending time with Meg and her hubby. Since she moved out west for graduate school about 5 years ago, we haven't seen much of each other, and I barely know her husband - we only met once, briefly, before the wedding. They'll be moving to CA soon for more graduate work, so I figured I should get out to see them in NM while I have the chance. The trip was made much more possible by my employers' willingness to give me most of tomorrow off and the free ticket voucher I got from getting bumped off a flight during my San Diego trip. At any rate, I don't expect to have much access to the 'net this weekend, so don't be surprised if you don't hear from me for a few days.

today's project: making musical instruments from shoe boxes and rubber bands - fun for all ages!

Did you know? Today I ate breakfast food for every meal.

consecutive workout days: 2. Hooray for getting somewhat back on track.

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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Quiet Time - June 02, 2005
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