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April 26, 2004 - 7:43 p.m.

Back on the Treadmill

Totally random aside: I am watching Myth Busters on The Discovery Channel, which is a great show incidentally, and just heard the quote, "cute for science." (It was in reference to these funny little stomping machines built to emulate soldiers marching across a bridge. The things were basically boots attached to motors covered with helmets.) I have decided that this is my new catch phrase. I am not sure whose science I am being cute for, or what they are attempting to prove, but I am totally down with being cute for science. :) It fits well with my nerdy but semi-fashionable self image. And, fyi, the Myth Busters just proved that one can, in fact, waterski behind an eight man rowing boat!

I finally got back into workout mode today with my first visit to the gym in about a week and a half. Boy, did I bust my tail! I ran and walked on the treadmill for almost 45 minutes, more than 2/3 of which was running. I traversed almost 4 miles, and did all of the running between 6 and 7mph. I'd say around a third of the time I was running I was going full tilt at 7mph. My legs are tired, and my knees and ankles are feeling a bit pounded after all that, but it was good. I always feel a huge sense of accomplishment after an intense workout like that. It also helps alleviate some of my frustration at the lack of downward movement on the scale. After today's performance, I can safely say that I am NOT woefully out of shape. A year ago the very thought of running at 7mph was daunting, much less doing so at intervals for 2-4 minutes at a time with only a minute or so of walking in between. So, go me! Even if my "skinny" clothes don't quite fit. :)

Today I instituted a new program of reading readiness with B. The girls picked up writing and phonics pretty naturally with little formal intervention. B is a very different kid, though, and is less naturally motivated to learn. So, a la Sesame St., I decided we'd start having a letter of the day. B picked E as today's letter, so we looked for the letter in books and on signs, brainstormed words beginning with E, and made our own envelopes. I wanted to come up with a snack that fit with the E theme, but elephant ears are too complicated and things like eggplant and eggs are right out for the kid who won't even eat chicken nuggets. He seems eager to play along and even wrote a few letter Es, so it seems to be working so far.

It occurred to me that the concept could easily be turned into a book that would be useful for both parents and preschool teachers. I could call it A Letter A Day and include craft or art projects, songs, books, and snack ideas or recipes to go with each letter of the alphabet. I have no idea whether an educational publisher would be interested in the idea, but it would be very easy to put together. It would be so cool to put my knack for coming up with activities to such a use. I'll try to knock it together, and maybe I can actually get someone to publish it. Lord knows I have enough books on early childhood education and project ideas that I won't even have to go online to find appropriate publishers. :)

today's project: making envelopes - sounds silly, but kids generally love making even such common items themselves

Did you know? a mixture of salt, pepper, chili powder, and a little cinnamon makes baked sweet potato fries heavenly

consecutive workout days: uno

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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