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April 17, 2004 - 12:29 p.m.

The Phlegm! It Hurts Us!

It's warm and sunny outside, and I had grand plans of rollerblading and kayaking this weekend. Hah! Instead I have spent the better part of the past two days in bed surrounded by an ever growing pile of used tissues and proportionally diminishing sense of good humor. I hate being sick. It always seems to happen to me on the weekend, which has an up and a down side. On the one hand, it's hard to be patient with children when you are constantly distracted by the sense that you could at any moment drown in your own phlegm, so it's a good thing it isn't a work day. However, I am covetous of my free time, and get very bitter when it is taken up with illness.

Between naps, I finished my book, but I have a couple of DVDs from Netflix I can watch to keep me semi-occupied. I am out of Diet Coke, though, and it is a testament to how wretched I feel that I haven't decided whether it is worth it or not to go out and get more. Diet Coke is a necessary staple for me; I drink quite a bit of it. When I am not feeling well, it is a comfort drink as well. I drink water, too, since I know clear fluids are important, but I need my fix of faux sweetness and carbonation as well. I probably will venture out in a bit, since I need to restock my Dayquil supply, too. I am hoping to medicate myself enough to feel up to going out tonight.

Several of my female friends are getting together for "beefcake", also known as hot men on film. They're going to watch Once Upon A Time in Mexico, drink girly drinks, and eat chocolate fondue. I am going to so my best to keep this cold from making me miss the fun! Maybe I will feel better after a shower...

today's project: decongestant induced stupor

Did you know? unsurprisingly I can't think of anything...

consecutive workout days: Hah! Getting a fresh box of tissues is a workout!

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flutter back - fly ahead

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Quiet Time - June 02, 2005
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