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April 15, 2004 - 7:06 p.m.

Everybody's Doing It!

Why not me?

Lots of my friends who have online journals have been doing this variation on a poll or quiz, and I figured I would join in.

Here's the deal: In comments ("twitter away" below) you can ask me any three questions you want, and I will answer them. The one caveat is that my mom and brothers read this site sometimes, so don't ask anything incriminating! :)

Life has been pretty good here lately, visits from houseguests and relatives excepted. B's mood swings and power struggles have settled quite a bit, which makes life much more pleasant. I am actually enjoying the kids' company more often than not, and that is a relief. I was really unhappy with the fact that, for a while there, my job wasn't very fun. It's a great time for all of us to be getting along well, since next week the kids don't have school, so we'll be spending entire days together.

For your amusement, I thought I would compile a list of phrases favored by the munchkins in this household that drive me crazy.

- "Just so you know..." This usually innocuous phrase seems ridiculously condescending coming from a child. It's irrational, but it always bugs me.

- "Can I tell you something?" I think this one gets me because it's such a pointless question! It's not like I ever say, "no"!

- "For real?" I suspect I have their dad, the constant joker, to blame for this one. Worst of all, I have found myself using it on occasion.

- "It's not fair!" 'Nuff said.

I am sure there are others, but those are the primary ones. Oh, I have a funny anecdote to share. The other day, B was talking about movies. He asked if I remembered that Darth Vader was Luke's father. I responded in the affirmative, and he proceeded to tell me that Emperor Zurg was Buzz Lightyear's father. :) I guess he figures if it's true in one movie, it must be true in another. Next thing you know he'll be thinking The Joker sired Batman. :) It's funny to observe the weird workings of a child's brain.

today's project: going to see Hellboy with some friends

Did you know? our area got over three inches of rain in the past couple of days.

consecutive workout days: 2

Twitter away!

Mom - 2004-04-15 22:51:24
If you were on the show "Survivor", what would your one "luxury item be? Who would you nominate to run for President, and why? What one thing will always make you smile?
bafleyanne - 2004-04-15 23:24:03
Have you seen Toy Story 2? Emperor Zurg *is* Buzz Lightyear's father. :) I'll come up with some questions for you tomorrow. :)
Little Bird - 2004-04-16 09:27:26
Mom, those are some good questions. The answers took a little thought, but here they are? 1. Does Sam count as a luxury item? If not, I think I'd have to go with a waterproof sleeping bag, if such things are made, since I can stand a lot of discomfort but being wet and cold is utterly miserable for me. 2. Gosh, I am really uncertain about this one. I don't know enough about enough politicians to make an informed choice. I'd probably vote for Condoleeza Rice if she ever ran. She seems level-headed, extremely smart, and she's a woman. It's about time we tried having a woman as our figurehead. 3. Here the problem is coming up with one answer! I think I will split the difference between the two answers I was debating between (animals and giggling babies) and say baby animals. :)
Little Bird - 2004-04-16 09:28:51
Bafley, Yeah, I saw Toy Story 2, but it was long ago, and I clearly forgot that important detail. Someone else pointed it out to me last night. Boy, I feel dumb. :)

flutter back - fly ahead

Lone Star Rising - June 08, 2005
Quiet Time - June 02, 2005
Holy Interviews, Batman! - May 23, 2005
Addled Little Bird Brains - May 01, 2005
Just the lift I needed. - April 22, 2005