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April 05, 2004 - 10:12 a.m.

Busy as a Bee

I was busy this weekend for a change! Which was good, because if my schedule hadn't been so full, I might have had time to be irritated about the lousy weather. Luckily, today the sun finally came out. It's cold out, but seeing the sun again makes it bearable. I even got out in my little garden this morning for a few mintues to cut back all of last year's dead growth. While doing so, I noticed that my crocuses and tuilps are coming up, the forsythia has grown a ton and has lots of buds, and there are a few things sprouting that I couldn't confidently identify. Nature seems to be getting on with spring despite the lack of cooperation from the weather.

So, how did I spend my busy weekend? Saturday I slept in then went bowling with a friend. That was really fun, and my bowling skills are increasing bit by bit. I bowled a 96 and 100. Pitiful in general, but, believe it or not, those scores are an accomplishment for me. :)

Saturday night was Smash Night, which was, as always, a lot of fun. There was a scary amount of booze, and we barely put a dent in it, but many of us still got pretty schnockered. We played video games, talked trash, ate pizza and my homemade dumplings, and were generally extremely silly. I slept there, since I wasn't sober enough to drive home.

Sunday morning, after returning home, I took B on his birthday outing to the Higgins Armory, a treasure trove of weapons and armor. That was fun, and B was mostly very well-behaved. I did discover that he has little concept of how different life was in the Middle Ages - he couldn't imagine surviving without a TV much less a toilet or sink.

After dropping B off back at home, I had to scurry to NCV rehearsal. I feel like we are finally starting to reach the productive part of the learning curve with the music we are working on. Things are finally beginning to come together, which gives us more confidence, which helps us make even more progress. Hurrah! Just about any kind of singing I could possibly try after this would be comparatively easy. It's been a challenge, but it's finally becoming rewarding. I hope we end up with a good audience for our summer concert, so we can really show off all our hard work.

I got home least night, and after a quick talk with Sam, pretty much crashed. I was exhausted, and it was so hard to get out of bed this morning. It was also hard to drag myself to the gym rather than taking a nap, but I overcame my lethargy and even opted for running on the treadmill. I think there is a short circuit in my brain regarding working out. Even though I always feel great after a workout - strong, sleek, energized, proud of myself - I never look forward to it. Making progress, being about to lift more, run further and faster, seeing my muscles emerge, has been somewhat motivating, but it is still an almost daily struggle. Still, it feels really great to have transformed myself from a high school girl who didn't consider herself athletic in the least to a woman who works out 5-6 times a week and can run 3 miles in half an hour.

today's project: not sure yet

Did you know? it's about 35 degrees out!

consecutive workout days: only one

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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Quiet Time - June 02, 2005
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Just the lift I needed. - April 22, 2005