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March 19, 2004 - 6:25 a.m.


This must be quick, because I need to leave the house in about an hour and a half, and I haven't even packed. I'll be in VA for the weekend, enjoying Sam's company, and probably spending some time massaging some of the stress out of his knotted shoulders. I am very much looking forward to the weekend, since we haven't seen one another in more than a month! This long distance thing blows. :)

Yesterday was a good, but long day. I continued my trend of being unusually productive. I went to the gym, did the grocery shopping, and dropped off a load of the kids' old toys at Goodwill all before picking B up at lunch time. I even managed to squeeze in a shower. In the afternoon, I took B to this cool toy store that has toy sections, one for all things train related and the other for every kind of construction toy you have ever seen and many you haven't. They have many of the toys out for kids to try, and B spent a happy hour trying them all out. It was a nice way to spend a cold afternoon, even if he did ask me to buy him something every five minutes! Once the girls were home from school we all traipsed out into the snow. The kids did some sledding - the advantage to having a steep hill in the front yard - and then helped me work on a fort. It's very unfinished, but we got the base for the walls built up, and maybe they will work on it more today.

Okay, I really have to get packing now. I doubt I will update this weekend, so goodbye until Monday!

today's project: air travel

Did you know? a galvanized tub is great for forming blocks of snow to build with

consecutive days of workouts: 5 as of yesterday

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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