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March 16, 2004 - 7:39 p.m.

Piling Up

The snow is really coming down. It's been snowing since around 4PM, and we already have a few inches. Yikes. The kids very well may not have school tomorrow. Honestly, though, I am okay with that, though it would be a little sad to have my much needed gym dedication interrupted. If school is cancelled, I won't have to drive the kids to skating and gymnastics lessons, and we can hang out, eat our soda bread, make green milk shakes, etc.

This afternoon I sent the kids on a pot of gold hunt. They had a blast, and I am pretty proud of the activity. I made a set of rainbow colored clue cards - so that they could follow the "rainbow" to the pot of gold. The red clue led to orange, which led to yellow, and so on. Each clue was a little rhyme, such as, "If your shirt is muddy, and there's a stain on your jeans, you'll find the next clue where they go to get clean." For some I left off the last word. They had a blast running all over the house finding the clues. Ultimately, under the dining room table, they found the pot of gold (which was just made of paper) with cookies inside. They were tickled, and from a little bit of prep work by me it was big fun. I always feel better about myself when I put that extra effort and creativity into my job and it pays off.

I finished my taxes yesterday. Hooray! Not only did the process go very quickly, but I get both a federal and a state refund! It's nice to have that task checked off my to do list.

American Idol is about to come on, so off I go. The final 12 have been selected, and now we get to really see if they've got the goods. I just hope that some of this year's weekly themes are better than last year's!

today's project: a St. Patrick's day treasure hunt

Did you know? I love my Apple iBook!

Consecutive days of workouts: 3

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

Lone Star Rising - June 08, 2005
Quiet Time - June 02, 2005
Holy Interviews, Batman! - May 23, 2005
Addled Little Bird Brains - May 01, 2005
Just the lift I needed. - April 22, 2005