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February 19, 2004 - 6:00 p.m.

Still in California

Just a quick update, since I am paying for internet access, and time is ticking. My hour is almost upp because I checked my email first and had to wade through a haystack of SPAM to find the few needles of email actually of interest to me.

I am having a blast in San Diego so far. I have gotten to feed a dolphin, rainbow lorikeets, and giraffes. I have walked miles and miles of palm tree lined streets. I have waded in the cold Pacific. And all of this with some sort of foot injury that has had me popping ibuprofen two to three times a day. Still, it's been sunny and lovely for most of my trip, and I can't really complain. Gotta go, though, my time is up. More when I get back to Boston.

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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