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February 13, 2004 - 4:31 p.m.

Down WIth Stereotypes

I keep forgetting to mention that I got my hair cut early this week... really cut. It's now a little shorter than chin length with the same flippy layers I have had for a while. It's the shortest my hair has been in years - not quite long enough for a ponytail even! I really like it, though. It is just the change I was looking for. Maybe I'll get a photo to post before I head to San Diego on Sunday.

This evening I am going to the latest installment of my world's most atypical Dungeons & Dragons game. Four of the five players are women, none of us are teenagers (though you wouldn't necessarily know it from some of the goofy, gross, or raunchy conversations we have), and we're all pretty attractive. The Boston Globe did an article in its Lifestyle section on D&D recently. It focused on how the game is becoming more mainstream, but they had the typical gamers in the photos that went along with the piece - black clothes, beer bellies, scruffy facial hair, and no women. They needed a picture of our group! That would have done wonders for the perception of roleplaying. :)

today's project:making brownies and guacamole for D&D night...mmm.

musing about: what craziness the DM has in store for us

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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