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January 03, 2004 - 9:25 a.m.

New Year, New Entry

First of all, let's get the excuses for not posting an entry out of the way:

- while I was at my parents' house for Christmas I didn't want to use their dial-up service for long and tie up the phone line.

- also at my parents' there were always a ton of people around or we were going bowling, or shopping, or out to dinner.

- since I've been back, Sam has been with me, and I hope you can all understand that I'd rather spend time hanging out with him than updating here. :)

Sam and I rang in the New Year quite quietly. We discovered that my employers were going to be out of town, so we had the house to ourselves. At first we thought that we'd have people over, but, of course, our friends all already had plans for New Year's Eve. So it was just the two of us. We made a fabulous dinner of beef roulade with rosemary and roasted red pepper, salad, and spinach and sun dried tomato risotto.

Believe me, it was at least as good as it looks! We had boysenberry sorbet in meringue cups with blackberries and kiwi for dessert. So yummy. It was fun to cook together and do something fancy.

We spent the rest of the evening playing video games (Sam got Mario Kart: Double Dash for Christmas) and watching The Guru on DVD. It was a very quiet, but fun celebration.

Mostly it's just been nice having him around for an extended period of time. We've already been together for more than our usual two days, and he isn't leaving until Monday. Our time has felt much less rushed, allowing us to fritter it away on things like video games and spending a long time delving into the bargain DVD bin at Walmart. See, it's Secret Satan time again. The annual party dedicated to sticking your friends with a hilariously vile gift is back. I won't divulge what Sam and I found, lest any of the partygoers happen upon this page, but I think we did pretty well. We even found some horrific beverages to contribute. The party is tonight, and I will be sure to devote an entry to the various manifestations of evil exchanged. :)

Before I depart for evil gift wrapping and yummy snack baking in preparation for tonight, I have to share a funny moment from yesterday. The family arrived home, and B was very excited to see Sam, as always, since he adores him. Apparently, B had hatched a plan to sleep in a box on the floor of his own room so that Sam could sleep in the bed. :) If an almost 5 year-old is so devoted to Sam no wonder I am hooked. ;)

today's project: revelling in truly awful gifts

musing about: how to beat Sam at Mario Kart

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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