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November 05, 2003 - 7:26 p.m.

Anger Management

Anyone know any good anger management techniques for a four year-old? B has been acting practically manic depressive lately. One moment he is cuddly and affectionate and cracking jokes. The next he is screaming, threatening to hit or kick, and generally throwing a fit. Often his rage is triggered by not getting what he wants, which is not unusual among preschoolers. It's been awfully extreme with him lately, though. Sometimes he lashes out just because everyone isn't paying attention solely to him. So far invoking the possible consequences of his actions (no TV, cancelled playdates, and such) has managed to keep him from attacking anyone. Still, the wear and tear of being around a kid who is so often furious is starting to get to me. I just hope it is a passing phase, since I haven't been able to come up with an effective strategy for dealing with this. I've been trying to do fun things with him, give him plenty of attention, and be as consistent as possible with discipline, but I haven't seen any effect on his moods so far. Once in a while I can get him to laugh and dispel the anger, but more often than not it almost seems as if he wants to be mad. Aargh! Yesterday, I came downstairs and collapsed into a semi-conscious state after work, and I blame it on the frustration. It's exhausting.

I keep forgetting to write that I went to see The Human Stain over the weekend. The movie was partially filmed on the campus of my beloved alma mater, Williams College. It was incredibly strange and nifty to see the place that I spent four very important years up on the big screen. Williams has a truly gorgeous and unique campus, so in some ways it was no surprise it eventually got chosen as a film location. For the first two minutes or so of the movie I was so busy staring at the very familiar backdrop that I totally missed the dialogue! Luckily it wasn't crucial. :) The movie itself was pretty good, too. It's worth seeing, I'd say, with some fine acting by both Anthony Hopkins and Nicole Kidman. There were a couple of quibbles I had with the movie, but I won't share them since they involve significant plot twists I'd hate to give away.

My legs hurt... My primary stress relief this week has come from working out hard. Today was the third day in a row that I took an hour long class at the gym. I feel really good about pushing myself beyond my usual laziness, but tonight my muscles are complaining a bit. I am looking forward to watching The West Wing (even though it hasn't been the same since Aaron Sorkin left) and then climbing into my comfy bed. Hopefully I won't dream about little boys going postal on my ass!

today's project: a trip to the local children's museum in an attempt to tame (or at least distract) the beast w

musing about: what demon is possessing the child

Twitter away!

James - 2003-11-06 11:31:14
You may want to call Mom and ask her advice about the demon child. I bet he can't compare to her friend Shelia's terror child, Ryan. That kid even scares me. Besides, she's put up with us for all this time. My friend, Shane, is a theatre tech that just graduated from Bowling Green. Apparently after Christmas he's going up to Williamstown Mass. to work for Williams' theatre department. Small world.

flutter back - fly ahead

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