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October 10, 2003 - 6:51 p.m.


I am so glad this week is finally over! I am exhausted, unshowered, and my throat it scratchy (I THINK it is allergies - I HOPE it is allergies). Thank goodness it is a long weekend! I love the kids I work with, but I have spent way too much time with them in the past ten days. I think I may even have spent, in that span, more than twice as much time with them as their parents did. Plus, the back and forth with B's school has been additionally tiring.

Speaking of B, the body curiosity saga continues. I think the worst is over, and hopefully we won't have any more major issues. Today, though, a new frontier was braved. One of his teachers overheard the boys (B and the child he originally locked himself in the bathroom with) talking about being naked and were also speculating about one of their teachers being naked.

Obviously this isn't nearly as serious as the first incident (and is actually kind of amusing if you ask me), and the teachers weren't too concerned. Still, they felt the need to address it, so I was greeted at pick up by the director once again. Oy! She was pretty laid back about the incident and made sure to point out to me that mostly B's behavior today was fine and that both boys seem to be equally interested in the subjects of nudity and underwear. We talked to B together about not discussing those things at school, though it is always okay to ask questions or talk about them with the grownups at home. She also suggested, wisely, that we look over some books about bodies with anatomically correct drawings to help demystify the subject and hopefully remove some of the allure.

Poor B was worried I was going to be very mad. I reassurred him that I wasn't, though I hoped he wouldn't talk about such things with his friend again. I asked if he wanted to talk to me about anything, and he said no. I think he has been through enough lectures and loss of privileges for one week, so I made sure to let him have a totally normal fun day. We played catch, made cookies, and used the freshly cleaned sandbox.

Anyway, that was the end of my week. Now that S is back from her trip and the long weekend is ahead of me I can relax. I am not sure what I will be doing with my weekend. I want to do some cooking - maybe try out some recipes from my Cooking Light subscription - and go see a movie or something. I will, of course, we watching eagerly as my beloved Red Sox work toward the World Series tomorrow and Sunday evenings. Other than that, I might take off for one of the days. I feel like getting out of town for a bit - I am really wishing I had decided to visit Sam this weekend - so maybe I will find a place to go for a hike or just a nice town to spend a day in. If it weren't for the fact that it would make me miss Sam even more, I think I would go to Nantucket.

Meanwhile my mom is in Missouri catering a wedding. My godmother's daughter is getting married. Mom is excited to have the excuse to get back to MO, where we lived for the first 8 years of my life, and see lots of old friends. I was invited and kind of wanted to go, but the airfare was just too expensive. In some ways I am relieved. Mom has kept in touch with all her friends there, but I haven't seen any of them since my brother's wedding, and that was the first time in like ten years I had seen them. It would be fun to see everyone, but I think the catching up would get a little old. One can only tell the brief history of one's recent life so many times!

Enough babbling! I need dinner!

today's project: reveling in the quiet and serenity of my child free room

musing about: how to spend my weekend aside from rooting for the Sox

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flutter back - fly ahead

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