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September 18, 2003 - 3:12 p.m.

Weather Woes

The sun is shining. It is warm outside with a nice fall breeze. So, why am I having weather woes? It's all because of that pesky Isabel! This weekend I am supposed to go visit Sam in Virginia. I haven't seen him in a month, so I do not look kindly upon hurricanes that threaten to wreak havoc with my plans. I have been compulsively surfing weather, news, and travel websites all day to glean new, and hopefully positive, information.

The airlines have already cancelled hundreds of flights, so even though I am not leaving until tomorrow, the problems are likely to have a domino effect reaching on into the weekend. I had been taking comfort in the fact that once I leave Boston I will be flying away from the coast (through Pittsburgh and on to Charlottesville), but Charlottesville is already on the airline's list of "destinations for reaccomodation." That means the airline is worried enough about weather trouble there they are willing to let passengers switch around their plans and itineraries without incurring the usual charges and penalties. Not reassuring...

Other similarly disturbing points: 1. UVA Law has cancelled classes for tomorrow. 2. The effects of Isabel are supposed to manifest as high winds here in the Boston area tomorrow morning, which may make taking off from Logan nothing more than a pipe dream.

So far, my flights for tomorrow are still scheduled. I am holding onto the hope that I will get to Charlottesville sometime tomorrow. I don't care if I get delayed for a few hours - I plan to bring my book and a couple DVDs that I can watch on my laptop. If I am truly lucky, I will get to Charlottesville in a relatively timely fashion tomorrow, but the chaos will delay my flight back from DC on Sunday so I can spend even more time with Sam! Yeah, that's the combination of my indomitable optimism and selfishness coming out. :)

today's project: making shoebox houses for yesterday's pipe cleaner people

musing about: the weather

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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