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September 01, 2003 - 11:23 a.m.

Feeling Foolish

Just as the rational part of me suspected, I was worrying about the conversation with Sam for no reason. He was just looking out for me and double checking that I have considered all aspects of the potential move. Phew! We talked last night and cleared up my fears while laughing at my silliness. So, non-crisis averted. :)

Honestly, Saturday night I was really worried, and it didn't seem at all absurd. Yesterday morning I felt a bit better, but still uncertain. Now I just feel foolish. For some reason I always worry that people aren't being completely forthright with me - that they are holding back what they really mean. I have unfairly applied that concept to Sam on a few occasions, even though, to my knowledge, he has always been quite open and honest with me. I guess I still need to learn to take what he says at face value.

Aside from letting imagined worries run away with me, I had a pleasant day yesterday. I did go for a bike ride, and it was the perfect day for it - sunny but not at all hot. I really should take advantage of my bike more often. I think this fall I will try to get in a bike ride a week, weather permitting.

I also did get to see Spellbound. It was a great documentary! It was funny, intriguing, and surprisingly suspenseful. One of my favorite bits was the irony of all the signs in the kids' home towns wishing them luck and congratulating them with horrible misspellings! I may have been more interested in the film than your average viewer, since my older brother actually competed in the National Spelling Bee when he was in junior high. I didn't get to go to D.C. with him at the time, so the movie made me want to ask him all sorts of questions about how his experience compared to the kids in the film. At any rate, it was a very entertaining movie, so I highly recommend it!

Happy Labor Day to all!

today's project: relaxing in preparation for the back to school week

musing about: where the summer went...

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