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August 29, 2003 - 1:32 p.m.

The Huntress

I am a woman on a mission. Since the near simultaneous septic flood and cessation of function of the garage door - meaning it is stuck in the upright position - the basement has been infested with mosquitos. Despite it being a very wet summer and spending lots of time outdoors, I now have more insect bites from spending time in my room than from being outside! On top of the bites, I have bruises from the occasions on which I have caught the little buggers in the act and slapped myself in the attempt to avenge my poor, red and bumpy skin. My walls and couch slipcover are smeared with insect guts, and my precious hours of sleep are interrupted by the buzzing of blood sucking dive bombers.

So, I have embarked on a process of unnatural selection. No citronella candles or repellent spray. No genial swatting away of intrusive pests. This is war! I am attempting to singlehandedly tip the scales of evolution in favor of moquitoes that do not enter my living space or attempt to sustain themselves on my precious lifeblood. To that end, when I spot a wee, winged interloper, I leap into action. I hunt it down, chasing it up walls and over furniture if necessary until its pathetic life is ended between my hand and any available hard surface. I haven't really seen a decrease in the resident flying parasite population yet, but Rome wasn't built in a day people!

Off to the gym to beef up my squashing and swatting muscles!

today's project: an experiment in woman's effect on nature

musing about: a much needed three day weekend

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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