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July 19, 2003 - 10:20 p.m.

Lake Weekend

So far we are having a blast during our girls weekend at the lake. Here are a few of the highlights:

- we all tried waterskiing, and I cam SO close to actually getting up on my feet!

- the neighbors' tame starling sat on my hand.

- we towed a broken down motor boat with not one but two non-functioning motors and two guys on board who weren't even sure how to get to the house they were staying in!

- we have joked around with Jill's dad who has been somewhat tipsy from the kind of wine that comes in a box.

- we have created new inside jokes involving the phrases, "gobble, gobble", "potato M&Ms", "mine don't float", and "lubed up".

- we have played both the classic version and the new 20th anniversary edition of Trivial Pursuit, and my team won in both instances.

- many have been sumburned, but not me.

- we discovered that kahlua toasted almonds + godiva liquer + vanilla ice cream = total happiness.

- the Red Sox came back in the 9th to tie the Blue Jays 4-4, and we are currently in extra innings.

I don't want to go home. I want to live on a lake and own a speed boat someday... Maybe I can convince Sam to forgo his ideas of using his law degree to help the poor and oppressed in favor of something more lucrative. ;) Lord knows that none of the career options that appeal to me are conducive to the ownership of waterfront real estate! Heck, they are barely conducive to the ownership of a back alley cardboard box!

today's project: sleeping off a day of fun in the sun and water.

musing about: how to smuggle this family's sweet German Shepherd home with me

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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