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July 18, 2003 - 4:17 p.m.

More Fun In The Sun

This evening I am off for a weekend at a friend's lake house in New Hampshire. The main posse of my nanny friends will be go, and we intend to have a great weekend of gabbing, sunbathing, and other girly stuff. I am going prepared with some wine and Godiva liqueau that folks brought as hostess gifts for my dinner party as well as two videos, The Truth About Cats and Dogs and Sliding Doors, and pedicure/manicure supplies. It should be fun. Since I was away for almost two weeks, I haven't seen these girls much in a long time. Also, Millie will be moving to California very soon, so it is sort of our last big hurrah as a group.

This week with the kiddos went really well. I am amazed that it flew by as quickly as it did! It wasn't easy getting back to work, but the vacation clearly did me a lot of good. I was much more rational in dealing with the kids' tantrums and much more involved with them than I had been before going away. As with many things, in being a nanny and any sort of work with children very often you reap what you sow. The more time and effort you put into planning things to do and ways to work on skills with the kids, the more smoothly your days will pass. At the same time, the more love, attention, and time you lavish on them, the more cooperative and caring they are likely to be in return. Of course, there is a balance that must be considered, lest you spoil the children rotten and create needy, greedy little monsters! :) However, I am too lazy to take things that far!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

today's project: girly road trip!

musing about: the next visit with Sam - I already miss him terribly.

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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