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June 16, 2003 - 9:18 p.m.

I Really Am A Total Geek!

At least according to this quiz. More specifically, I am 26.23% geek. Less than I would have guessed, actually.

I had a wonderful weekend in Charlottesville. Sam and I were incredibly domestic. As always we did a lot of cooking. We made these peach glazed grilled prok chops and peaches that were divine! Sam also made his amazing fajitas, and we made my favorite spinach, mango, and chicken salad. Yum! All that delicious food and it was totally guilt free! Alas, Sam is clearly winning the fitness challenge. He has visibly lost weight, and looks even better than he used to. He's so strong and muscly - one of the perks of dating a health-conscious former athlete. I've decided to really buckle down for these last two weeks. I know I am highly unlikely to pull ahead in the competition, but at least I'll look a little better in my bathing suit on the cruise.

Anyway, aside from all the cooking and eating, we played cards, painted a big chunk of his living room, hung out by the pool, and rented Jackass, the movie. Yes, I willingly watched Jackass, and even enjoyed it. That may surprise some of you, but we were tired out from a good workout in the morning and a day of high heat and humidity and were in the mood for some utterly mindless comedy. We had intended to rent Spinal Tap, but they didn't have the DVD (Sam doesn't have a VCR). The best thing about Jackass is that, while I usually hate stupid people, these stupid people are funny, because they usually bring harm only upon themselves. Parts of it were certainly simply dumb, but most of the movie was composed of outrageously idiotic and dangerous stunts ending in hilarious reactions and near maiming.

We also played cribbage and Jenga, watched a lot of CNN and FoodTV, and visited the local pet store where we saw some cool snakes, precious little lop-eared bunnies, and some really adorable, playful kittens. The kittens had such distinct personalities. One would follow you along the edge of the cage and mew at you to be petted. Another was so eager to play that he started batting at my sunglasses, which were hanging from my belt loop, as I leaned against his cage to reach up and pet another cat. They were so adorable! I cannot wait until I have a living situation into which I can bring a new pet. Percy is adorable but by no means friendly. He tolerates me handling him, but clearly prefers to be alone. My next pet will be something much mroe cuddly!

Even though Sam and I had such a great time together, it wasn't that hard to leave yesterday. Knowing that I am going to see him in less than two weeks and that we will then have more than a week of solid, quality time together made the separation much, much easier. I definitely missed having him beside me when I woke up this morning, though! I think we have pretty much completely recovered from the hiatus over the winter. I wouldn't say that things are the same as before the break-up, but our relationship is now just as good as, if not better than, it was before. It's feeling more natural to look ahead a bit again instead of being too nervous and uncertain to do anything but live in the moment. We certainly aren't making any life-altering plans, but I at least have regained enough confidence in "us" to contemplate our future a bit.

Anyway, it's almost time for bed, since I have another long day ahead of me tomorrow, and I only got about 6.5 hours of sleep last night. Since I went to the gym after work tonight, I am actually not feeling all that sleepy. I always feel energized and alert for an hour or two after a workout. But if I don't go to bed soon, I will really regret it tomorrow and will probably end up being really irritable with the kids. So, off to bed goes this little bird!

today's project: looking forward to vacation - 11 days!

musing about: whether I will remember to take the dress I'll be wearing to the wedding this weekend to the dry clean

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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