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June 12, 2003 - 1:05 p.m.

The New Playground Workout

Yippee! I get to go climbing tonight! With a girl whose name is Chris, is 5' tall, and has shoulder length blonde hair... Other than the Ch versus K spelling of our names, it appears we are one another's doppelganger! In actuality, though, we probably look nothing alike. Faces have a lot of variation after all. But, from behind, unless she's a lot skinnier or chunkier than I am, we may be virtually indistinguishable. :)

I probably shouldn't go climbing tonight, since I need to pack for my weekend at Sam's, shower, shave my legs, and finish coating and sanding the decoupage sports car desk set the kids made. I'll probably be up until 1AM, and I have to leave for the airport at about 7AM. Still, it'll be good to get some exercize and have some fun. Yesterday I got a pretty good workout with the kids at the playground. First they wanted me to bounce them on one of thos suspended bridges. So for about 10 minutes I jumped up and down while they sat and got bounced around like water in a hot skillet. Then I got to be the monster who chased them around, picked them up like sacks of potatoes, and threatened to eat them for dinner for another 20 minutes or so. It may not have been the equivalent of running 2.5 miles, but it definitely got my heart rate up and burned some calories.

Speaking of calories, my boss brought me a little gift of appreciation from Williams Sonoma where she was doing some Father's Day shopping. I am now the salivating owner of a large jar of gourmet caramel sauce! Is she trying to sabotage my diet or something? I am proud to note that I did not open it last night. I contemplated drizzling some over sliced apples, which wouldn't be so bad (as opposed to pouring it over large scoops of ice cream), but I resisted. I don't know how long my willpower can hold up, though!

I cannot wait to see Sam this weekend. It's been five weeks, I think, since he was here. The weather isn't supposed to be very good in his area over the weekend, but I think we'll make the best of it. We might do some painting in his apartment, and we'll probably rent a movie or two. And I'll get to see him again in just two weeks when we go on our cruise vacation. It still doesn't seem real, for some reason! But I am eager to have some time off and some quality time with Sam!

today's project: after all the running around we've done this week, we're just chilling at home today

musing about: the fact that my weekends are totally booked between now and the last week of July!

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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Quiet Time - June 02, 2005
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Just the lift I needed. - April 22, 2005