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June 04, 2003 - 1:41 p.m.

Awww... Shucks!

The kids have been adorably sweet lately. I have two cute little anecdotes to relate.

Yesterday, I was sitting with B while he ate his lunch. Out of the blue he looks over at me and says, "Know why I've been cranky?" Puzzled, since he hadn't up to that point been cranky at all so far, I responded that I didn't realize he was cranky. "Know why I've been cranky every day before my nap?" Okay, this is making more sense. On Monday he had given me an unusually hard time about going upstairs for his nap. Finally I ask the question he's been waiting for, "Why?" With an exaggerated serious face on and a wise nod of his head B replies, "Because I miss Sam." Awwww. I just melted. All the struggling to get him to go to the bathroom, pick a story, and get read for nap the day before completely forgiven. I responded in the only way I knew how, "Yeah, I get cranky sometimes too because I miss Sam." :)

Then this morning the girls inform me that they think there should be a Nanny Day. I didn't catch on right away and asked what people would do on Nanny Day. "Say, 'Kris is tied with G [their former nanny] for the best nanny in the world!' over and over!" I can personally think of better ways to celebrate Nanny Day, but it was awfully endearing that the girls decided that along with Mother's Day and Father's Day there should be a Nanny Day. :) I feel loved!

today's project: construction with foam pellets (Did you know that some types will stick together if you wet them

musing about: how to start lobbying for National Nanny Day :)

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