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June 03, 2003 - 1:54 p.m.

Unconventional Job Duties

As a nanny, I am often called upon to do things that wouldn't fall under the category of child care. These duties have ranged from picking up developed photos and dry cleaning to supervising plumbers and (as today) taking the car in to get a new inpsection sticker. I am so spoiled and used to spending my mornings either at the gym or catching up on errands of my own, that I sometimes begrudge the time I have to devote to such chores, even though I get paid to do them. The van's inspection sticker was particularly annoying because it expired at the end of the month. So, for the past couple of days I could have been pulled over and ticketed, even though keeping track of when the cars need such routine attention is certainly not part of my job.

What is also irritating, beyond the problem of having to deal with the fallout from details my employers have overlooked, is not having the information to deal with a given situation. It is not unusual for a contractor, landscaper, or repairperson to arrive at the house as a complete surprise to me and then request instruction on whatever work needs to be done. Maybe it bothers me because I look like a total idiot, standing there with my mouth agape, after the septic pumper asks where the septic tank is (his guess is as good as mine), or a burly stranger meandering around the yard informs me that he's there to mark buried cables (okay, but I am going in the house and looking myself and the children inside until you and your plethora of tattoos go away, just in case).

Still, nothing I am called on to do is vey onerous or unreasonable. Some of the other nannies I know, on the other hand, have different stories to tell. One had to clean up the sewage spill that resulted from one of the children in her care using way too much toilet paper. These things do happen, but what made the situation so ridiculous, was that previously Sarah had told the child that if he needed to use so much toilet paper to wipe, he should flush the toilet every few pieces. His mom disagreed and told him that was a waste of water, but she didn't have to clean up the mess did she?

Worse yet is what my poor friend Millie had to do this weekend. The family she works for was having a party, and Millie, their dedicated nanny (not to be confused with chef or housekeeper) was required to cater the party! She spent hours making all sorts of fancy party food, from prosciutto wrapped asparagus to a tower of creme puffs, with no extra pay whatsoever. I cannot believe that these people really expected this of here, and it is a testament to Millie's patience and forbearance that she didn't throw a fit. I suspect that if these people can afford a full time nanny, they could afford to buy their cocktail munchies from an actual caterer. But instead, they'd rather take advantage of the young woman who lives in their home, because she's basically their indentured servant right? I am so lucky the family I work for actually treats me like a professional whose primary, though not sole, responsibility is caring for their children. Not taking their nauseous dog to the vet. Not cooking gourmet meals for thier guests. Not waxing the vintage kayak. Sheesh. Some of the stories I hear have convinced me there is a far bigger grain of truth to The Nanny Diaries than I had thought possible!

today's project: various errands

musing about: the creative ways people stretch the nanny job description

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