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May 16, 2003 - 12:22 p.m.


I love my Fridays! It felt so good to sleep in this morning! I must have needed it, because the kids' pounding around upstairs while getting ready for school didn't even wake me as it usually does. I think I was still catching up from while Sam was here when we'd stay up late talking and hanging out, and I still had to get up at 6:30 for work.

Since getting up around 9, (yes that qualifies as sleeping in for me!), I have stayed in my PJs and just watched TV (currently A Makeover Story) and caught up on my web-surfing and such. Nice and low key after my past couple weeks of travel and visits and such. Of course, I really need to get back to the gym, and today was supposed to be the day, but I am having trouble getting motivated after lounging all morning. I think I will have lunch, digest a bit, and then go. The gym is usually less crowded in the afternoon anyway.

Part of the reason I need to get off my lazy bum is that Sam and I have ageed to compete against each other in a little fitness challenge. We've both put on a few pounds this year, so we are engaging in a little friendly competition to help motivate us. The goal is more to get back into shape than to lose weight, but weight is easier to measure than fitness, so we're judging the winner by who loses the most. The winner gets treated to a massage while we're on our cruise in July. I am doing well, so far, with eating healthy, but haven't been to the gym yet. I can't let him beat me! :)

As promised, here are the photos of my tattoos. I am finally beginning to get used to them as a part of me.

That's how they look on my back.

And that's a close-up of one.

Feel free to let me know what you think! :)

today's project: I will go to the gym, I will go to the gym...

musing about: lunch (my tummy's rumbling)

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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