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May 15, 2003 - 10:40 p.m.


Just a quick entry, since it's past my bedtime and I am very sleepy! By the way, I haven't forgotten to post pics of the tattoos, I just haven't gotten around to it yet. Tomorrow seems like a good time to do that, but I make no promises. :)

Percy came home from the vet safe and sound yesterday evening. The biopsy went very well, according to my wonderful vet. Apparently most of the lump was a big blood clot. Dr. Dyer removed that and took a sample of the little remaining tissue to send off to the lab. I am hoping that, since most of what might have been tumor was actually blood clot, Percy will turn out to be just fine. He looks tons better already, since the bump is almost completely gone. It was so to have him back after a day of worry and trying not to dwell on the worst case scenario. We'll see what the test results reveal, though. That could take about a week.

The season finale of The West Wing last night was both awesome and irritating. Lots of excellent dialogue, some serious character development, and a few twists and turns. I am annoyed, though, that they made it such a cliffhanger! It's so obnoxious to make loyal viewers wait until next season to find out what happens to Zoey! I know they need to sink their plot hooks into you, but did it have to be such a big one? Heck, waiting to see how Toby handles being a Dad would be enough for me! Toby, incidentally, had the best lines of the entire show! "Babies come with hats!"

Just saw X2 with my big brother. It was an excellent action movie! And unlike most, I didn't see every turn of the plot coming a mile away. In fact, I didn't see some coming at all. And there is some serious eye candy in that flick... from excellent special effects to the gorgeous Cyclops... Good fun!

today's project: Zzzzzzzzzzzz

musing about: what to do at the gym tomorrow

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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