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May 06, 2003 - 7:42 p.m.

Eagerly Awaiting

Now that the reunion is over and Sam will be here in three days, his visit is all I can think about. I am feeling really impatient! It's been way too long since our visit in early April. I am going to have to stay really busy this week or I'll explode from the anticipation!

Luckily, my room still needs some serious attention before I welcome an overnight guest. That will occupy a couple hours of my time, and the bathroom also needs a good scrubbing. Tonight, while watching the Red Sox game and American Idol (I hope it's a good theme tonight - with my luck now that most of the mediocre singers have been eliminated they'll make them all sing Barry Manilow or Marilyn Manson), I plan to finish clearing off all the clutter covered horizontal surfaces in my room and maybe wash my sheets and the sofa slipcover as well.

Have I mentioned that I cannot wait to see Sam? Oh yeah, I did. We have a lot of fun stuff planned: a fancy dinner date, a visit to the aquarium, and a Super Smash Brothers showdown, but I hope we have plenty of down time as well. We have a lot to talk about, like summer vacation plans, visiting schedule, and probably most importantly how long we plan to continue this long distance thing. And after all the stress of finals, Sam will probably need lots of sleep, backrubs, and vegging time. I can't wait. It's just so nice to be with him. I laugh more, smile more, relax more, and am more myself than I am with anyone else. He just naturally brings out the best in me, and I think I do the same for him. That's one of the greatest parts of our relationship.

today's project: may the best Idols survive!

musing about: location, location, location

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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