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April 16, 2003 - 9:41 p.m.

Bad Computer Karma

Ugh. This afternoon, I was in the middle of composing a fairly lengthy entry when the power went out. It was a perfectly sunny afternoon, no unusual appliance usage in the house, and the electricity came back on in about a minute so I have no clue what brought on the outage. Weird. I was to disgruntled to rewrite the entry. Very annoying.

Anyway, as mentioned above, it was a beautiful day today. Yesterday was a little warmer and sunny, but today was still very pleasant. I decided to take advantage of the weather and take the kids to the playground. They wore themselves out on the monkey bars, tire swings, and making me a "birthday cake" in the sandbox, then I took them for ice cream. It was a nice afternoon.

The kids have been developing some interesting quirks lately. H started eating her Cheerios with orange, peach, mango juice instead of milk and now has the concoction every day for breakfast. B has picked up on her innovation and had raisin bran with juice for his breakfast today. On the fashion front, M insists on buttoning her shirts all the way up to the top - don't know where she got that idea! B has worn a slip on tie to school (over t-shirts) for the past three days. And to top all of this off, all three have been obsessed with a whoopee cushion that H got at a friend's birthday party. They have been having an absurd amount of fun trying to get the grown-ups to sit on it, and if that fails just taking turns blowing it up and sitting on it themselves.

All of these things are the sort of behavior one might at first try to curtail. Eating cereal with juice is gross... Nobody buttons all the buttons, it looks silly... and so on. But when you get right down to it, there is absolutely nothing wrong with any of it. If they like their cereal that way, I let them have it. Who cares if people wonder why the shirt is so buttoned up or who let him wear that tie with his Spiderman shirt? They are asserting their independence and shaping their own preferences. So who am I to assert my tastes, or society's, over theirs? But, man, those kids can be odd. :)

Yoga was awesome today. I think my body was more ready to go through the various motions and they didn't seem as awkward. I really felt stronger, taller, and less tense afterwards. It was nice. I had just enough time after the gym to enjoy the sunshine on the deck while reading my current book, Galileo's Daughter.

It's a good thing we got out today, since the weather is about to get ugly again. The meteorologists say that it won't make it out of the 30s tomorrow, and Friday we may get a rain/snow mix. Yuck. I saved the easter egg dyeing for tomorrow when it's gross outside and the kids are getting stir crazy.

today's project: enjoying the weather while it lasted

musing about: when I can safely put away my winter coat and gloves

Twitter away!

bafleyanne - 2003-04-17 08:10:59
Galileo's Daughter is a great book. :) I read it a year or so ago, maybe? I really liked it. :)

flutter back - fly ahead

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