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March 26, 2003 - 1:49 p.m.

A Practically Perfect Day

"Oh what a beautiful morning! Oh what a beautiful day!"

Today has been awesome so far. The weather continues to be gorgeous. It was so sunny and warm this morning, in fact, that I decided to go for a run. The first five minutes or so were brutal (probably largely because the initial section of the run is a moderately steep hill), but after that it felt great to be jogging along with the sun on my face, listening and mouthing along to Avril Lavigne, and breathing deeply of the fresh spring air. I even passed a yard full of gorgeous, tiny, purple crocuses. Later, after I picked up B, I gave him his lunch outside and he played while I raked the old leaves off my garden. My efforts revealed plenty of sprouts and my first crocus blossom.

As if all that weren't enough to put me in excellent spirits, I got a mix CD in the mail from Sam! It was a total surprise, and I am listening to it right now.

I feel as though this is an incredible season for me. After the awful weather and emotional upheaval of the seemingly interminable winter, this spring has been an absolute joy. The glorious weather and beginnings of new growth are the perfect backdrop to the increasingly positive signs in the rest of my life. My relationship with Sam is undergoing it's own regeneration, and I have been cultivating new friendships as well as renewing and strengthening old ones. There is no certainty inherent in any of my relationships, but lately I have been blessed with the certainty that things are looking up.

On a less uplifting note, it feels almost blasphemous to be so happy and optimistic while we are at war with Iraq. I am angered by what appear to me to be Hussein's attempts to complicate the war as much as possible with false surrenders, troops dressed in civilian clothes, etc. I know many, many lives will be lost in this war, not a few of them innocent civilians. I guess I can only hope and pray that Saddam really was as big a threat as he seemed, that this is the right course of action, and that the war will be concluded as swiftly as possible and with as few casualties as possible. Hopefully once Saddam is out of the picture and the Iraqi people emerge from the iron fist of his dictatorship, facts will emerge to prove the war justified...

today's project: setting up H's science fair exhibit and going to the playground

musing about: getting to see that sweet man in Virginia... :)

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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