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March 06, 2003 - 11:01 a.m.

Breaking out the Big Guns

The toilet-training saga continues. We have reached the stage of desperate and, in the words of my boss, "draconian" measures.

While I was on the cruise and the family was in the Bahamas, B had not a single accident. This was thrilling progress! Alas, it was too good to be true, and once they returned home, the accidents also returned with a vengeance.

Now, there is a beverage staple in this household known as hot chocolate milk (or HCM to the adults). It's just warmed up Ovaltine, but the kids love it. B, in particular, drinks tons of it if we let him. We had already cut back on how much we allowed him (two sippy cups a day) fearing that so much liquid in his diet might be exacerbating his bowel issues. It seemed to help a little. Now, since the problems persist, his parents have decided to disallow the HCM altogether until he can master the BM process. B is not at all happy about this (we were hoping it would be both a psychological incentive and a physical aid as well), but so far it hasn't seemed to work much. This new tactic has only been in effect since Monday, though, so no need to give up hope yet.

Other than that issue, it has been a good week. The new carpooling routine has been working well. The kids have been predominantly sweet and affectionate. So all is well.

today's project: careful driving (snow is forecast - ick!)

musing about: spring and the tulips in my little garden

Twitter away!

Poop Expert - 2003-03-06 13:18:14
I say just make him stand on his head all the time. That'll do the trick. It's more spectacular and embarassing when he lets go. See? Seriously, my parent friends have all found that linking the reward (or punishment) directly to the poop helps. One set of parents simply let the kids run around without pants. Messy for about a week, then she never ever did it again. Cheers! -The Poop Expert
Kris - 2003-03-06 13:36:00
We've tried the direct link reward thing. Hasn't worked. Haven't tried the pantsless idea, but since the dog likes to eat poop, probably not a feasible option.
Poop Expert - 2003-03-06 17:08:48
Wait a minute... You have a kid who poops, and a dog who eats poop... That sounds PERFECT!

You've got one of the most ideal poop situations I've ever heard!


flutter back - fly ahead

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