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March 06, 2003 - 8:24 p.m.

I am an intellectual snob...

Why on Earth can our President not learn to say "nuclear" instead of "nucular"? That is one of my pet peeves! Honestly, how does it reflect on America if our elected leader cannot even speak our language properly? I know he's a busy man, but it couldn't possibly be that difficult to break a habit that makes you sound like a moron! Heck, just rig up an electro-shock system that zaps him every time he says "nucular" and it would probably only take a couple of days to remedy the problem. It really is a disgrace, and I have little desire and even less ability to respect a prominent public figure who consistently commits such a flagrant verbal faux-pas.

Did George H. W. Bush have the same problem?

Okay, rant over...

musing about: remedial English for politicians

Twitter away!

bafleyanne - 2003-03-06 20:42:34
Not to mention "terrah" and "terra-ist". Argh. N. and I were making fun of him. :)

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