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February 24, 2003 - 1:39 p.m.

Welcome Back!

It's actually been far easier being back in the swing of things here at home than I thought it would be. Apparently I underestimated my powers of adjustment to whatever situation I find myself in. Just as it only took me a day or so to start taking for granted the heat and sunshine in Miami and the Caribbean, I seem to have reaclimated already to the snow and cold. That said, most of the snow that fell last week has melted, though there is still plenty on the ground from other storms (I am presuming that snow melts from the top down such that the earliest to melt is actually the most recent - it's interesting to think that as spring progresses it will uncover older and older snow...)and it really isn't all that cold today (upper 20's and not much wind. And it turns out that last week's storm really wasn't that bad here. While the airport in Boston got 27 inches, the folks I spoke to today said here in town the storm only dumped about 15-18. When I got home yesterday there was a message on my machine from my Grandmother who lives in northern Wisconsin. She said they have had two straight weeks of below zero temperatures and she had to pay someone to shovel the four feet of snow off her roof! Yikes!

Anyway, I had a happy reunion with the munchkins yesterday - hugs and kisses all around. They liked the little gifts I brought them, and they gave me a cute little fringed sarong that will probably get a lot of use at the pool this summer. They showed me lots of pictures and told me many stories about their time in the Bahamas. The girls both got their hair beaded and braided (it is adorable and makes combing their hair in the AM much easier). They got to do a dolphin encounter, of which I am very jealous, and it sounds like the kids had a blast in the various pools of Atlantis and checking out all the aquariums and marine habitats. Susan, though, threw out her back having to carry B around much of the time (the resort was apparently quite sprawling). I was just glad to hear that they didn't have any problems traveling due to the storm!

It's funny, I never actively missed the kids while I was gone, and it was really nice to have so little responsibility while I was away, but I guess I missed them passively or subconsciously or something. It was really nice to see them again. And today, my patience level seems restored along with my positive attitude and that makes a world of difference. I'm less lazy, and don't mind the constant requests to come see this or come help with that. I think the vacation did the trick. :)

The house was a disaster this morning, though! I think after their very busy and exciting time in the Bahamas, the kids got a bad case of cabin fever at home. There were a million toys out in the playroom and family room and general disorder throughout the house. I've gotten a fair bit of it straightened up so far today, and the kids even helped a bit. So, other than my shock at the mess, it has been a good first day back.

Check back later tonight or in the morning for the first detailed report on the cruise with photos. Some of them turned out really well. I can't wait until my mom gets the film from the underwater cameras developed and sends me copies! I really hope we got some good ones of the fish we saw!

today's project: mattress delivery (finally!)

musing about: whether the big bro is going to decide to go to Venice or not

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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