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February 23, 2003 - 7:40 p.m.

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Well, I am home again. I tried to update from the ship, and even typed a substantial entry but there was some glitch when I tried to submit it. With the ship charging 75 cents a minute for internet access, it wasn't worth writing it again.

Guess I couldn't have picked a better week to spend on a tropical vacation! Boston got around 27 inches of snow early in the week. Much of it has melted in the rain and relatively warm temperatures of the past couple days. Still, I am almost afraid to describe my vacation for fear some bitter New Englander will come after me with his or her much used snow shovel!

I am also tired from a long weekend full of travel and dealing with problems with hotel reservations. If you are ever in the Miami area, do not stay at the Days Inn Civic Center! Anyway, I will just say a few things about the cruise. The weather was perfect the entire week. It was nice to spend so much time with my mom, and we only got on each other's nerves a couple times. We did a lot of relaxing and eating on the ship and saw some great shows - including a really excellent magic show. To my mom's delight, I sang in the guest talent show, which was a lot of fun. On shore we swam, snorkeled, and shopped. St. John was particularly gorgeous. And I only got sunburned once - and that after an hour of nonstop snorkeling. I'll probably share more details and pictures in the next couple days.

Meanwhile, I am already thinking about recruiting friends and family to join me on a cruise in the next year or so. I think you can save a lot if you have a substantial group even if you don't put three or four people in a cabin. And I figure with so muich to do both on and off a cruise ship people would have plenty of opportunity to go their own way and still get together with the group when they wanted. So, who's in?

today's project: readjusting to winter

musing about: how quickly I can save up for another cruise

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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Just the lift I needed. - April 22, 2005