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February 11, 2003 - 4:14 p.m.

Puttering Along

Some weeks the days just fly by and others seem to take more than their allotted time to pass. This week is shaping up to be a prime example of the latter. I shouldn't be surprised as it follows Murphy's Law perfectly that since I am eager for Friday and Saturday to arrive the universe will find a way to elongate the expanse of time between now and then. Sigh.

So far the waiting in regards to the auditions has been pretty bearable. Probably because I know there is no way to hear anything until at least tomorrow, since the second audition time is this evening. Tomorrow and Thursday, if I haven't heard anything by then, I will most likely be compulsively carrying around the phone when I am home and hoping my cell phone will ring when I am not. I really want to get asked to come to callbacks. That way I will know that I am still in the running, and will have another chance to show the directors what I am capable of as well as see who the competition is. If I don't get called back the waiting will be absolute agony!

Luckily, Thursday is a full day around here, and Friday will be pretty busy, too. I have a pedicure scheduled for Friday morning in hopes my feet will be presentable since all the shoes I plan on wearing for the cruise are open-toed. No point in getting all gussied up in my formalwear and having ragged toenails and unsightly calluses either! I can be pretty vain given the opportunity I suppose. :) And Friday afternoon I fly to Miami (with a 3+ hour layover in Charlotte - ugh) in preparation for the cruise. Yippee!

After yesterday's hair combing incident, today H informed me that yesterday she made sure she was wearing her headband when she had snack and lunch at school. I'm not sure whether the fact that my outburst had a positive effect on her makes me feel better about it or worse...

today's project: heart shaped potato printing

musing about: what color to have my toenails painted for my pedicure

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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