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January 08, 2003 - 1:29 p.m.

Stage Fright

So, I decided to try out for a musical. I am hoping that if I write about it here, I will be less likely to chicken out. :) I am very excited, but also quite nervous. The theater group performs and rehearses in a nearby town, so it's convenient, but I have no idea what caliber of show they put on. After all, community theater runs the gamut from the equivalent of a crappy high school production to the kind where you wonder why the cast hasn't started going professional. I am hoping that this troupe falls somewhere in the middle, since I wouldn't be happy unless I feel comfortable inviting my friends to come see the show, but I am not sure I would get cast in a really upscale production.

I am planning on auditioning Saturday afternoon. Before then I have to pick and prepare both a ballad and an up-tempo song. They requested pieces either from the show (I forgot to mention it's Fiorello, I've never seen it, but it sounds cool from the website's description) or from other well-known Broadway shows. So far I am considering Turn Back O Man (from Godspell), Steps of the Palace (from Into the Woods), Wouldn't It Be Loverly (My Fair Lady), and Simple Joys of Maidenhood (Camelot). I'd like to pick one song in Alto range and one that's more Soprano, since one of my seeling points, I think, is my range. Plus, that way I am not eliminated from any of the female roles by my voice part. Of course, whatever I sing I need to bring music for, so I may be limited by what songs I can find music for (either online or in the kind of compilation books you can get at a regular bookstore), since I haven't found a place that sells applicable sheet music around here. Tonight I plan to spend some time surfing the web for downloadable scores for voice and piano. Hopefully I will find some good stuff.

today's project: trip to the library (the girls are going to get their own library cards!)

musing about: getting back on stage... Eek!

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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