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December 14, 2002 - 10:14 p.m.

It's Raining, It's Pouring...

Oy. I am tired. I was up sort of late last night working on the scrapbook I am giving to the family I work for for Christmas. I am calling it "Our Many Colored Days", and it basically is just a compilation of all the pictures of the kids I have accumulated over the past year and a half.

So, I got up at about 10:30 and putzed around for a while, then went upstairs to make lasagna for this afternoon's party. The party was for the nanny book club I am in. Calling it a book club is really an exaggeration, since we read the books, but haven't talked about any of them for more than five minutes. It's really more of a social club than anything, but it's fun becuase it expands the number of people I hang out with and we get to compare notes on the kids and parents we work with. The latter makes me realize just how lucky I am to work for this family! One nanny gets to go with the family on vacation to California, but is expected to cart most of the luggage around the airport. Another takes care of a 10 year-old whose mother makes her work out on the Stairmaster for an hour three days a week. One girl has a room (probably 10x12) about ten feet down the hall from the kitchen, so she gets almost no privacy. And yet another was around when the father slapped his son hard across the face! Ugh. I am so lucky to work for a family that respects me, listens to me, treats their children well, and gives me plenty of privacy!

Anyway, (I digress as usual) the party was fun, but getting there was not. It poured rain all day long, so many of the roads were slightly flooded. I get really nervous when it's that rainy and I have to drive, so just the driving tired me out. Plus, before going to the party I had to get a gift to exchange - I finally settled on a pretty stained glass pictuer frame and a little snowflake ornament. I think I have a think for snowflakes. :)

Once at the party, we hung out, drew names and exchanged gifts, ate dinner, and gossiped. I got to meet two of my friends' boyfriends for the first time. They both seemed nice, but Stacy's boyfriend, Jamie, was especially cute and sweet. Sadly he only has a younger brother (19 is just far too young!). On the one hand, meeting them reminded me that there are other nice guys out there, but also that many of them are taken. Plus, I so don't want to go through the stress and angst of dating again. Oh well, I'll cross that bridge when and if I come to it.

After the party, I headed in to Boston to go to the Boston Gay Men's Chorus concert. Or so I thought. Actually, though, the ticket I purchased online yesterday was for Sunday. So I went all that way, still anxiously driving in the puddle dotted roads, for nothing. Grrr. I hate it when my brain fails me! But I am home now, and can get some stuff done before bed. Then tomorrow I get to go to the show. It sounds pretty funny. If you want to read about it, go to http://www.bgmc.org/

today's project: last of the Christmas cards and scrapbooking

musing about: how to regrow lost brain cells

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