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December 05, 2002 - 11:32 a.m.

Winter Wonderland?

The kids had a blast making snowflakes yesterday! They spent a good hour on it, and would have spent more if we'd had the time. The pictures above are just a sampling of the ones they made. H is such a perfectionist that she was a little wary of making them at first. She said she isn't that good at making them and that they never look as good as mine (this is why I am sometimes reluctant to do artsy stuff myself around the kids even though they like it when I do - too often they compare their own finished product with mine and end up feeling inferior even if their project is more creative than mine). Once she began, though, she and M both got very excited, and kept saying, "Ooh, look at this one!" or "Wow, isn't this one cool?" They were so eager to see the results of their handiwork that they kept unfolding the paper to see and then having to refold it when they wanted to cut more. B's cutting skills are still rudimentary, so he didn't do as many, and he needed help doing more than just cutting slits in the paper, but it was good practice. When he lost interest, I kept him busy with a torn paper collage while the girls were finishing theirs.

More snow predicted for today: 2-4 inches. Honestly, it feels like winter has settled in with a vengeance. We haven't had a really big storm yet, but we got 6 inches last week (some of which melted), another inch or two Monday night, and now more on the way. It's pretty unusual to have snow this frequently this early, and it has been a bit colder then usual - few of the past 7-10 days have had highs above freezing. If the weather keeps up like this, we'll probably have a white Christmas, but also a nasty winter. Ugh. I like winter, but I don't like driving on slippery roads, and I don't want more than 4 months of winter!

Winter also makes going places much more of an ordeal with the kids. We need hats, mittens, boots, and often snow pants. It takes three times as long to get out the door!

The garage door still isn't fixed. At this point I don't know whether I will hit or hug the person who comes to fix it when he arrives!

today's project: entertaining B while the girls have their gymnastics class

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Lone Star Rising - June 08, 2005
Quiet Time - June 02, 2005
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Addled Little Bird Brains - May 01, 2005
Just the lift I needed. - April 22, 2005