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June 20, 2004 - 4:46 a.m.

Just Before Bed

I know I have been lax about the updating, but I've been unusually busy, so you all just have to deal. :)

A lot has gone on since Thursday, but I have only had about 17 hours of sleep in the past three nights. So, I will make this entry brief but try to bring you all up to speed.

Thursday night: NCV rehearsal (preparing for our big concert on Wednesday) followed by a spur of the moment visit to the local bar for karaoke night. Even though I was by myself, once I got over the feeling that I looked like a loser being by myself in a bar (which is silly, because even if people did think I was a loser, who cares?), I had a great time. I sang twice, and got lots of compliments, which felt good.

Friday: My first day of volunteering at the hospital, which was a blast! I hung out with a few kids in the playroom, playing with playdough, suggesting art projects, and chatting with the kids and their parents. The kids were fun and cute and were sad to see me go. It was an excellent first day, and I am looking forward to going back next week. Friday night was a marathon D&D session in which we barely managed to keep ourselves from getting killed. Stayed up until almost 4AM!

Saturday: Since we gamed so late the night before, I crashed at the hosts' house. Drove home Saturday morning to plan a menu, shop, and begin preparing dinner for 10. Took a break in the afternoon to go to a batting cage with my brother and a friend. I didn't entirely suck, but wasn't great either. I definitely want to go back and do it again. Today I have all sorts of odd sore muscles, like my forearms and one side of my butt.

Having people over for dinner, poker, and a viewing of Return of the King was great. I made green salad with candied pecan and dijon cider vinaigrette, peach glazed grilled pork chops and peaches, broccoli with orange butter, polenta rounds with shitake and portobella sauce, and mango creme brulee. I love entertaining, and am looking forward to doing so pretty often this summer. With the employers up at their lake house almost every weekend, I can have people over and put the big kitchen, deck, TV, etc to good use.

Today: Went to a sing-a-long showing of Fiddler on the Roof with a friend. It was a very entertaining experience. Everyone sang all the songs, people shouted things at the screen and recited lines, we were given little props to wave around in certain scenes, and generally got to be silly. Afterwards we had a late lunch/ early dinner on the patio at Bertuccis and ended the day with NCV rehearsal.

And now? It's time for bed for me. I think I will read for a bit, but I need to catch up on my sleep, so I can't put off the actual sleeping for too long. After tomorrow, all three kids are out of school for the summer, so I'll need all my energy.

today's project: singing every part in Fiddler on the Roof

Did you know? It was once traditional to honor civic or military leaders with a piece of the American flag

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flutter back - fly ahead

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